Npa Sports Develoment Meaning

  1. Npa Sports Development Meaning Definition
  2. Npa Sports Development Meaning List
  3. Npa Sports Development Meaning Pdf
  4. What Is Npa
  5. Npa Meaning Medical

The poor underwriting standards resulted in high credit growth, at a time when interest rates were kept low to tide over the disruptions caused by the global financial crisis of 2008. There is a fierce battle between the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) and the Bulk Oil Distribution Companies (BDCs) over the country's crude oil import bills.

The NPA Region is made up of five indigenous communities. There are three aboriginal communities; Injinoo, Umagico and new Mapoon, and two Saibai Islander communities; Seisia and Bamaga.


The first established settlement in the NPA region was that of five semi-nomadic tribes, who came together in peace to settle Injinoo at the mouth of Cowal Creek (meaning Small River). These clans were the Anggamuthi, Atambaya, Wuthathi, Yadaigana and Gudang clans. Their decendants, the people of Injinoo, are the traditional owners of the land.

The people of Injinoo still practise traditional hunting rights and cultural ceremonies, including traditional dance, song and cooking.

To maintain proper management of the land and it's resources, elected community members form the Aputhama Lands Trust board. They work closely with the NPA Rangers, based in Injinoo, to manage traditionally owned land.


Formed by one of Injinoo’s founding families, the Williams, who wanted to live seperate to the community, George Williams was at the time working for cattle baron Frank Jardine. M Jardine provided the Williams family with a home and land, with permission from the traditional owners, the people of Injinoo.

When the people of Lockhart River were forced from their own land, they were given permission by the traditional owners, the Williams and the Jardines to settle at the homestead in Umagico. The community’s name means ‘Black headed python place’.


When the people of Saibai Island began to fear for their future supplies of fresh water, a few families decided to relocate to the mainland. Saibai Island is a small Island (approximately 6km-20km) built up from alluvial soils washed from the river systems of neighbouring islands of Papua New Guinea, only 5km North. The island is prone to flooding, often contaminating fresh water supplies with storm surges.

In 1948, a government reservation was created for the people of Saibai Island wishing to migrate to the mainland. The Injinoo people granted permission for them to settle in their area now known as Mutee Heads, as construction of the Bamaga township was underway. By 1954, the majority of construction was completed and more Saibai Islander families moved to the mainland to settle in Bamaga. The community was named after it’s founder, Bamaga Ginau and is now the administrative hub of the NPA, as it is in the center of the five communities.

New Mapoon

The people of Mapoon (now known as Old Mapoon), were forcibly removed from their homes and mission housing in the 1960s, to allow for Bauxite mining to commence in the area. Some went south to resettle near Cairns, some moved North to a resettlement in the NPA, named New Mapoon. Though they are traditionally a peoples from the coast, the settlement was chosen as appropriate due to the fresh water spring located at the back of the community. Indeed, the area was traditionally named after ‘Mandingnou’, meaning ‘Place of spring’.

The people of Mapoon still have very strong ties to their homeland, and some have moved back to resettle in the area of their original community. They still practice culture through telling the stories of their ancestors and homelands through art, song and dance.

The NPA Arts Centre is based in New Mapoon, a centre open to the community, to support all forms of indigenouns Australian art.


The final community to be settled in the NPA is Seisia, another settlement of Saibai Islander people. The island people preferred to live by the sea, so as more families followed in pursuit of fresh water and land, they resettled at the site of the old Red Island Wharf. The name Seisia is made up from the first letter of each of the brothers Sagaukauz, Elu, Ibuai, Sunai, Isua and Aken, the founding brothers of the community. Seisia wharf provides the region with shipping and ferry services, as wel as being a popular local fishing spot.

Surrounding areas

Though most of the NPA's population reside in the five communities, the area is rich in indigenous and white settler history. Most families also have local campsites bordering the beaches, where they can fish and hunt. We ask that you please be respectful of these areas, as they are not open to general camping.


More commonly referred to as 'the tip', mainland Australia's most Northern point is only 35km North of Bamaga community, accessible by dirt roads. There is still the remains of the once five star Pajinka Eco Lodge that can be found at the base of the tip. Pajinka lies on the coast, bordered by the beautiful white sand of Franjipani Beach.

View of Pajinka, from the tip


Around 1864 the settlement of Somerset was established by Sir George Bowen who appointed Mr John Jardine as Government resident. The site was chosen to be the shipping hub of the Cape, but due to strong currents through Albany Passage, the central hub was moved to Thursday island.

During the 1860's, a hospital was built at Somerset on top of a hill, where the patients could benefit from the fresh sea breezes. Serviced by nuns, the hospital treated leprosy, tuberculosis, common injury and illness as well as seamen suffering from tropical infections or disease. It is told that one seaman who was treated as a patient was carried kilometers away, to be burried in the scrub away from the settlement, for fear of catching his illness.

The Jardine family homestead was located on top of a neighbouring hill overlooking Somerset, where the Jardine cannons can still be found. Due to the lack of reliable written accounts of the first white settlers in Cape York, there are many conflicting stories regarding the settlment of the Jardine family.

The graves of John Jardine's son Frank and his wife fan be found just off the beach at Somerset, alongside Japanese Pearling workers and the graves local indigenous community members.

Looking across the passage from the beach at Somerset, you can clearly see the old pearl farm based on Albany island, now used for tourism accomodation and fishing charters.

Npa Sports Develoment Meaning

View of Albany Island and Albany Passage from Somerset

Mutee Heads

In the second World War, a naval wharf was constructed on the West coast of Cape York, at the location now called Mutee Heads. USA ally forces built a radar tower on the northern face, the remains of which can still be found. You can also still see the support pillars for the wharf, standing in the bay area.

The people of Injinoo were involved in constructing services at Mutee Heads and in transporting messages from Mutee Heads to Higgins Field Airport (now known as NPA Airport, located just out of Bamaga commnuity).

Gross NPA stands for Gross Non-Performing Assets, and Net NPA stands for Net Non-Performing Assets.

What is Gross Non-Performing Assets?

Npa Sports Development Meaning Definition

Gross non-performing assets is a term used by financial institutions to refer to the sum of all the unpaid loans which are classified as non-performing loans.

Credit institutions offer loans to their customers who fail to be honoured and within ninety days, financial institutions are obligated to classify them as non-performing assets because they are not receiving either principle or net payments.

What is Net Non-Performing Assets?

Net non-performing assets is a term used by credit institutions to refer to the sum of the non-performing loans less provision for bad and doubtful debts. Credit institutions tend to provide a precautionary amount to cover the unpaid debts.

Therefore, if one deducts provision for unpaid debts from the unpaid debts, the resulting amount refers to the net non-performing assets.

Difference between Gross NPA and Net NPA

  1. Meaning

One of the main difference between gross non-performing assets and net non-performing assets arises from the meaning. Gross non-performing assets refer to the total amount of the debts that an organization has failed to collect or the people owing the organization has failed to honor their contractual obligations of paying both the principal and interest amount.

On the other hand, net-non performing loans is the amount that results after deducting provision for doubtful and unpaid debts from the sum of the loans defaulted. It is the actual loss that the organization incurs after loan defaults.

  1. Default Period

Credit institutions offer a grace period after which an individual is required to start paying the loan and its associated interests. If the payment duration expires, the institution is obligated to write-off those debts which are not paid.

Non-performing loans are listed as default after ninety days which is internationally recognised. Any amount that is due after the ninety-day grace period is classified as a default. However, net-non performing asset does not have a grace period and is immediately calculated and classified as a net non-performing asset.

Npa Sports Development Meaning List

  1. Method of Calculation

Npa Sports Development Meaning Pdf

Gross non-performing loans are the sum of all the loans that have been defaulted by the individuals who have acquired loans from the financial institution. This means that all loans defaulted are added together to form gross non-performing assets.

Gross NPA = (A1 + A2 + A3 ……………………. + An)/Gross Advances

Where A1 stands for loans given to person number one.

On the other hand, net non-performing assets are the amount that is realized after provision amount has been deducted from the gross non-performing assets.

Net NPA = (Total Gross NPA) – (Provision for Unpaid Debts)/Gross Advances

  1. Actual Loss

The other difference between gross non-performing assets and net non-performing assets is what the organization refers to as the actual loss facing the company. Gross non-performing assets do not constitute the actual loss facing the organization.

Net non-performing assets constitute the actual loss experienced by the organization after debts have defaulted. Since the credit institution has already provided for unpaid loans, the provided amount is deducted from default amount which results in the actual loss experienced by the organization.

  1. Causes of Gross NPA and net NPA

There are some significant factors that have been highlighted to be the extreme causes of gross non-performing assets include poor government policies, industrial sickness, natural calamities, willful defaults, and ineffective recovery tribunal among others.

Npa sports develoment meaning

Although net non-performing assets are principal products of gross non-performing assets, there is a significant difference in that the amount provided by the credit institution to cover for unpaid debts plays a vital role in determining the amount of net non-performing assets.

  1. Effects of Gross NPA and Net NPA

Some of the significant causes of gross non-performing assets include the bad effect on the goodwill of the company and bad effect on the equity value of the organization.

A company with bad equity value experiences difficulties in attracting investors due to low return on investment and low share value of the company.

On the hand, net non-performing assets have significant impacts on profitability and liquidity of the company. Low liquidity means that the company does not have enough cash to meet its obligations when they fall due which means the company cannot afford to run the daily activities.

Difference between Gross NPA and Net NPA

What Is Npa

Summary of Gross NPA and Net NPA

  • Gross non-performing assets refer to the sum of all the loans that have been defaulted by the borrowers within the provided period of ninety days while net non-performing assets are the amount that results after deducting provision for unpaid debts from gross NPA.
  • The gross non-performing asset does not amount to the actual loss of the organization because the provision for unpaid debts has not been deducted, but net non-performing assets amount to the actual loss of the organization because the provision for unpaid loans has already been deducted.
  • Gross non-performing assets lead to a bad effect on company goodwill and bad effects on the equity value of the organisation while net non-performing assets lead to low profitability and liquidity in the company cash reserves.
  • Other differences between gross and net non-performing loans include the method of calculation, causes, and default period among others.
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Npa Meaning Medical