Pilots 9/11 Truth

Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an organization of aviation professionals and pilots through the globe, was founded in 2006 to seek the truth surrounding the events of 9/11. A group of courageous professionals who deserve our respect and support: Pilots For 911 Truth.org. Like Architects and Engineers for Truth, they are doing the work the politicians, news media and “go along to get along” professionals will never have the backbone and integrity to do.

Readers will remember “Truther” B from my previous article.

Recently he posted this YouTube video by Pilots for 9/11 “Truth.”

Before I continue, it should be pointed out that Pilots for 9/111 “Truth” have already been caught lying as this quote I provided from Fellow Debunker 5 from a previous article says: ” Actually no, the first lie is the location of the gate. They show gate D26 at the end of the terminal, however if you go to gofox.com and the Dulles airports website and look at the concourse map you will see it’s down away from the end more opposite of gate D23.

Pilots For Truth 911

Now another issue with this is that to show the correct path they overlaid the entire photo (transparent) over the original which gives it a double image and makes landmarks a bit hard to make out. Then they placed an image of the concourse they had over it. That image seemed to be place a little to the south.

Now when I took that image and cut out the supposed path and moved it the starting point appeared over the concourse about where gate D26 appears on the two concourse maps I found. Allowing for a margin of error and the fact that the line used is very wide (representing about 50 yards in width) I would say that this is a non issue.” The other lie is also addressed in the aforementioned article.

Back to the video, they state that Flight 175 hit the South tower at about 510 knots ground speed, which is about 586 miles per hour. However, they also claim this is an impossible speed. The problem is, that it is NOT an impossible for a Boeing 767.

As we see here, the air frame for the Boeing 767 is rated at about 0.86 of Mach 1, which is the speed of sound. The speed of sound at sea level is about 761 miles per hour or 661 knots. 0.86 of 761 miles per hour is 654 mph or 568 knots.

Pilots 9/11 Truth

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Pentagon

In addition, the same site states that the planes actually hit the towers at between 500 and 560 mph, or between 434 and 486 knots.

Pilots for truth 911

Basic math shows the problem. No matter who’s figures you’re using, the impact occurred at speeds of between 94 and and 154 miles per hour ( 82 to 134 knots) LESS than the speeds the air frame is rated for.

Before anyone brings up John Lear’s statement, as we see here, his justification is that ” Considering that 560mph is 145mph faster than its recommended maximum operating speed…” Hint: Maximum recommended maximum operating speed does NOT mean impossible.

The site further points out that the maximum operating speed is decided by Boeing and the operator and is NOT a performance limit – it’s simply for passenger safety and to reduce wear and tear on the plane.

This quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson sums it up perfectly:


9/11 Intercepted: A Presentation by Pilots for 9/11 Truth

9/11 Pilots For Truth

Pilots for 9/11 Truth (LINK), an organization of professional commercial and military pilots and licensed aviation professionals dedicated to clearing up misunderstandings about the events of September 11, 2001, have produced a video that explains some of these issues and paints a clearer picture of government interference with defense efforts on that day.
Using electronic Radar and audio (voice) files obtained by Pilots for 9/11 Truth using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a bigger picture is assembled and the actions of Flights AA 77 (Pentagon), AA 11 (North Tower), UA 175 (south Tower) and UA 93 (Shanksville, PA) are traced from their takeoff points through their striking their presumed respective targets. Phone calls between control tower operators, the FAA, NORAD, US Military and other agents are played back – providing a picture both of the frustration of officials and of the bizarre events that prevented a successful military interception.

9 11 Pilots Killed

The plot gets thicker when evidence that critical intercept information has been itself obfuscated or intercepted – making a military response all but impossible. At each point, fighters (F15s & F16s) are scrambled over points too far away to permit the foiling of an attack on any of the targets. It seems almost as if they were being sent on a wild goose chase. The video presentation – while focusing on only a single aspect of the events of 9/11, that having to do with air combat and routing communications – opens another aspect of the ongoing investigation – and makes the baffling ‘official story’ even less palpable than it was before. Enjoy.