Quotes About Beauty

We may not want to admit it, but beauty is one of the greatest accomplishments in life especially among women.

Beauty of nature ends up the thirst of eyes it always gives our eyes and spirit calmness so read these amazing beauty of nature quotes. Nature traps us towards it’s beauty because it’s in human nature he always like to see those things which zeal it’s soul. Beauty of nature is pure from materialism. “He’d misspoken. She wasn’t a blow. She was a hydrogen bomb directly aimed at his solar.

Being objectively beautiful which and being way more beautiful than other women is something that is deeply ingrained in the psyches of most women all over the world.

So here are some great quotes on beauty that can somehow help women to clearly understand the real meaning of being beautiful.

Beauty is not something in between a size zero and a size eight. Beauty is in fact not a number at all. It is all about physical.

Beautiful is a woman who knows what she wants and is not waiting on anybody else to get something for her.

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You can be gorgeously beautiful at thirty, stay extremely charming at forty and be irresistible all throughout your life. Beauty is basically a choice.


A person is beautiful if they often see the beauty in other people.

For me, beauty is about staying comfortable in your own skin and having that perfect red lipstick.

A flower will not compete on the beauty of the flower that’s right next to it. It simply blooms on its own and that’s what being beautiful should be like.

Beauty icons are those women who have self-created images.

Only in darkness that you are able to see the stars and that is what beauty is like.

Beauty starts at the moment that you decide to just be yourself.

Beauty is not about the face. It is a light in the heart.

You define beauty for your own self. Society will not define your beauty for it is your faith and your spirit that defines beauty.

No other beauty shines brighter than that of a pure heart.

If you seek beauty in people and in other things, you will not only find it. Instead, you will become like it.

If you live off based in a man’s compliments, then you will eventually die when he criticizes you.

Beauty is being the best possible version of you, in both inside out.

It is not how you look that really matters, but it is what you see.

There is nothing more beautiful and rare than a woman being unapologetically by herself, comfortable in her own imperfections. That is what the true essence of beauty is.

It is not how you look that really matters, but it is what you see.

There is nothing more beautiful and rare than a woman being unapologetically by herself, comfortable in her own imperfections. That is what the true essence of beauty is.

Beautiful Day Quote

No matter how many times you tell a woman she is beautiful, she will not believe you if she herself does not believe in her.

A beautiful facade does not really mean having a beautiful interior.

Quotes about beauty in nature

To women who think they are fat since they are not a size zero, then they should know that they are really beautiful and it is the society that is ugly.

Beautiful people are not really good. But good people are often beautiful.

Beauty is only skin deep and what is really important is looking for a balance between your mind, body and your spirit.

We will not notice beauty all because we are just too busy in trying to recreate it for ourselves.

A pretty face does not always mean having a pretty heart.

If what you see by your eyes will not please you, then close your eyes and try to see from the heart. Remember that the heart will be able to see beauty and love more than what the eyes can.

Beauty is not really about having a pretty face. It is about having a beautiful mind, pretty heart and a good soul.

The problem about beauty of today is that it is being compared to being rich.

Beauty is what seduces us on the road to the truth.

Beauty will not last forever, but a beautiful personality will.

Sometimes, people can be beautiful. Not in looks, but in what they say and in just what they are.

Perhaps, it is really a great thing to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to have a beautiful heart.

Everything can be beautiful but beautiful is not everything.

Beauty will get the attention, but it is personality that gets the heart.

I do not like standard beauty for there is no beauty without strangeness.

Nothing makes a woman to feel beautiful than on believing that she is really beautiful.

Everything has beauty in them but not everyone is able to see it.

The beauty of a woman is not in the facial aspects, but the real beauty in a woman is reflected to her soul. It is the caring that she gives lovingly and the passion that she shows.

The love of beauty is taste while the creation of beauty is what we call art.

The real beauty of a woman grows with each passing years.

Beauty and truth are the two chief prizes in life. Beauty can be found in a loving heart while truth is found in a laborer’s hand.

As we grow older, the beauty steels inward.

It is just amazing how complete is the delusion that being beautiful is goodness.

Beauty is just skin deep, but being ugly goes clean towards the bone.

Just because you feel that you are beautiful and perfect, does not mean that you will act conceited.

It is what you do and the way you think that makes you beautiful.

Youth is a happy stage in a person’s life for it has the capacity to be able to see real beauty. Anyone who will keep the ability to see beauty will never grow old.

Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder but it might be necessary to give a mislead beholder a black eye from time to time.

Natural beauty will take at least two hours to last right in front of a mirror.

Beauty is a smooth, soft and slippery thing and it is from a nature that easily slips in then permeates deep within the soul.

Although we often travel the world just to seek the beautiful, we should also carry beauty with us or we may not be able to find it all.

Our hearts are drunk with beauty that our eyes will not be able to see.

Beauty is not in the face, but it is a light in our heart.

We live only to understand what beauty is all about. All other else is just a form of waiting.

Some people, regardless of how old they become, they never will lose their beauty. Instead, they move it from their faces and on to their hearts.

Quotes About Beauty Standards

I do not like the standard beauty for there is no beauty without strangeness.

Do not ever lose that opportunity to see anything that is beautiful for being beautiful is God’s handwriting, which is a wayside sacrament.

Wisdom is the abstract of your past while beauty is the promise of your future.

Beauty is the shadow of God in the universe.

You cannot take credit for beauty at the age of sixteen. But if you remain beautiful at sixty, it will be your own soul’s doing.


Beauty in perceiving and projection is basically 99.9 percent an attitude.

Taking joy in living is a woman’s best beauty cosmetic.

Beauty is not worth thinking about. What is more important is your mind. You do not ever want a fifty dollar haircut in a fifty cent head, right?

Beauty is not a word without sense since you will not know where the meaning of this word will come from or where it will lead you to.

The best and the most beautiful things in the world can never be seen or touched. They are to be felt by the heart.

No object is so beautiful that in certain conditions, it will not turn out ugly.

People can be compared to stained glass windows. They often sparkle and shine if the sun is out, yet, when darkness begins to set in, their real beauty is revealed.

Beauty is how you feel within you and reflects in your eyes. It is not more about the physical aspect.

Beauty is more than bitterness. It makes the heart to break.

Short Inspirational Quotes About Beauty

The most beautiful people are those who have known how suffering, struggle and loss are really like. Remember that being beautiful do not just happen.

It always seemed so ridiculous that people would often want to be with someone who is beautiful. This is like choosing breakfast cereals according to color and not merely on taste.

People often make a big deal about their looks. But after a while, when you get to know someone, you will not even notice beauty anymore.

The most beautiful women in the world have one thing in common aside from their beauty. It is humility, and it is a shame that those women with less to boast about to do it the most.

A mismatched outfit, a defective denture and an exquisite mediocrity of the soil are the details that make a woman real alive. They are not born of human bodies, but they are hatch ready made out of the computers.”

A cultural fixation on the thinness of women is not really an obsession of female beauty, but instead, it is all about obsession on female obedience.

Quotes about beauty fades

Beauty does not matter because in the end, we all will lose our looks and all we have left is our heart.

The ugliest thing in this world is a beautiful woman that has no brains or even the courage to know that beauty is nothing more than an accident.

When I was your age, I wished I know that I already have everything I need to be happy, instead of searching for real happiness at beauty counters and testing out beauty cosmetics.”

When you are truly beautiful, you will not have to prove anything to anyone visually.

What is really true about music is also true about life, that beauty is everything for it expresses nothing.

If it will ever occur to people to value the honor of the mind equally with the honor of one’s body, then we shall get social revolution of an unparalleled sort.

Adults, older girls, shops, magazines, newspapers, window signs—all the world had agreed that a blue-eyed, yellow-haired, pink-skinned doll was what every girl child treasured.

Here, Claudia describes what everyone seems to believe to be the standard of beauty: a white girl with blue eyes and yellow hair. This standard is perpetuated not just by advertisements but even by members of Claudia’s own family and local community. Frieda and Pecola both love playing with dolls that fit this description, and they both admire Shirley Temple. Accepting those qualities as the only traits that make someone beautiful is so ingrained in their society that they do not question whether anyone else can be beautiful.

But their ugliness was unique. No one could have convinced them that they were not relentlessly and aggressively ugly.

The narrator describes the appearance of the Breedlove family. Although they are not objectively ugly, their deep-seated belief that they are ugly has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In their world, whiteness is associated with beauty; thus, they believe that, being black, they will never be seen as beautiful. Such a powerful belief in turn seems to alter their appearance. The Breedloves’ conviction that they are ugly demonstrates how appearances run deeper than skin. As they have internalized their ugliness, they can never be happy.

It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sights—if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different.

As Pecola reflects on how relentlessly the other children at school tease her about her appearance, she thinks that if she could have blue eyes she would be an entirely different person and would be beautiful. Perhaps if she were beautiful her pain would go away. Rather than focusing on changing the color of her skin or her hair, she only wishes to change the color of her eyes. As she says at a different point in the novel, her eyes function as her windows to the world, and if they were more beautiful, perhaps the world would react more kindly to her.

A little black girl yearns for the blue eyes of a little white girl, and the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of fulfillment.

After Pecola goes mad and thinks that her eyes have turned blue, Claudia reflects on how her transformation happened. Claudia, who appears to be the only character in the novel who does not value whiteness and other widely accepted standards of beauty, sees the danger in wishing to change one’s appearance. As Pecola now believes she has blue eyes, she talks with an imaginary friend about her blue eyes incessantly. Once a sweet, quiet girl, Pecola becomes vain and shallow once she believes she has become beautiful.