T Eucation Undia

  1. I joined T.I.M.E for CAT preparation. I found the classroom sessions conducted by T.I.M.E. To be very useful in my preparation.The methods taught in these lectures were very helpful. The way the faculty helped analyze my performance in AIMCATs ensured that i did well in CAT exam. The GDPI classes conducted later on were also very good.
  2. A unique and creative way to explore the English alphabet!This animated story of ‘Tim and the Tiny Tortoise' tells a funny tale, and helps you learn words an.
  3. This sign was posted when Pooja (Name changed for privacy) went missing. This incident happened very recently. Pooja(Name changed for privacy), 13 year old girl based from Bengaluru was missing. Wednesday morning she was dropped at School bus.

L&T’s CSR projects in the area of education are focused on ensuring sustainable development of communities and contribute to strengthening education and social infrastructure. These initiatives, which mostly cater to children from 3-18 years belonging to marginalized strata of society, provide support for better learning abilities of young minds, are community-based and supplement learning in schools.

Find Acts and Rules pertaining to school education and literacy provided by the Ministry of Education. Users can find various Acts such as the National Council for Teachers Education Act 1993 and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

The projects go beyond academics and cover various aspects of education, including nutrition at the pre-primary level, providing infrastructure (setting up smart classes or refurbishing of classrooms or community learning centres) to supplement soft skills provided (support classes or remedial classes or STEM education). The education programmes are made even more robust by empowering stakeholders through teacher’s training programmes.

In 2018-19, L&T supported more than 400 schools and reached out to over 2.4 lakh children with its education initiatives pan-India.

An overview of the community-based programmes we support across various campuses and project sites of L&T:

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