Vocational Rehabilitation

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) offers access to a full range of employment and independent living services that may be needed by persons with disabilities through their lives. Through its administration of vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs, VR coordinates policy and services relating to:

Vocational Rehabilitation VRS, Program of BRS, Division of Disability & Rehabilitative Services. For information regarding Vocational Rehabilitation Services, such as employment services, supported employment, assistive technology, transition services or the Independent Living Program, contact the area office nearest you. Lakeshore Rehabilitation Located in Birmingham, assists people with significant disabilities statewide to successfully transition into vocational training, college, or employment STAR Program. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION. DOR assists individuals with disabilities to build viable careers and live independently in their community. In FY 2016 - 2017, vocational rehabilitation counselors provided employment services to 100,442 eligible job-seeking adults and youth. DOR’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program provides a variety of services. Vocational Rehabilitation Program. Vocational Rehabilitation, the flagship program of Louisiana Rehabilitation Services, is a one-stop career development program that offers individuals with disabilities a wide range of services designed to provide them with the skills, resources, attitudes, and expectations needed to compete in the interview process, get the job, keep the job, and develop a.

  • transition services for students with disabilities from school to adult services;
  • vocational rehabilitation services for working age individuals with disabilities;
  • independent living services for people with disabilities of all ages; and
  • business services for hiring a qualified diverse workforce.

What Is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, also known as 'VR,' is a Department of Labor program that helps people who have disabilities to find and keep a job. VR helps people who have physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.

Who Is Eligible For VR Services?

To be eligible for VR, you must apply for services. To be eligible you must:

  • have a disability that keeps you from getting or keeping a job; and
  • need VR services to find or keep a job.

Eligibility must be determined in 60 days, but it is usually done in a much shorter period of time.

How Do I Apply?

To apply for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Word)

What About My Employment Goals?

Your VR counselor will work with you to help make informed choices about jobs and careers.

Good planning includes:

  • skills and abilities you have;
  • the types of jobs you want to consider;
  • where you are willing to work and live; and
  • what transportation is available.

The more flexible you can be, the more likely you are to find a job. You and your VR counselor need to work together to develop a plan that will lead to a job.

What Services Does VR Provide?

Vocational Rehabilitation Training Programs

Every person’s rehabilitation plan is different because every person’s vocational needs are different. VR will consider any service you need to achieve the agreed upon vocational goal.

Va Vocational Rehabilitation Offices

VR will help you explore different career opportunities by finding out your interests and aptitudes. As you identify careers, VR can provide information about the skills and training you need.

VR has labor market information to help you see what type of work is available. If you need training, VR can locate or develop specific training programs with special accommodations for you.

VR may buy tools, uniforms or basic equipment needed to start a job. VR may buy a lot of job-related things you may need to find or keep a job. VR can also help with re-training or education needed to get a new job. Sometimes VR can assist with payment for some medical/psychological services.

Vocational Rehabilitation Florida

Some people use a Job Developer in looking for work; others may get a Job Coach who gives close supervision and support on the job until the person learns all the job skills.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Generally services end 90 days after a person gets a job.

How Much Will This Cost?

It does not cost you anything to apply for services. There is no charge for diagnostic services, vocational evaluation, counseling, or job placement assistance. If you are eligible for services, your counselor will ask you about your income and expenses. Depending upon your income, you may be asked to contribute to the cost of VR services. VR cannot pay for any services you received before you applied to VR.

VR Consumer Handbook

Va Voc Rehab Contact Number

The VR Consumer Handbook provides a plain language explanation of the General VR Program for consumers.

What About VR Services for Students In High School?

For a description of VR services for students, please Youth and Transition Services.

Vocational Rehabilitation Dallas

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