B2c Single Sign On

While directing the user to the endsessionendpoint will clear some of the user's single sign-on state with Azure AD B2C, it will not sign the user out of the user's social identity provider (IDP) session. Single sign-on (SSO) adds security and convenience when users sign in across applications in Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C). This article describes the single sign-on methods used in Azure AD B2C.


  • Secure Single sign-on (SSO) Between Domains with Azure Active Directory B2C Jul 24, 10:46 AM azure Users expect to instantly log into apps and navigate between domains without having to retype.
  • WordPress OAuth / OpenID connect Single Sign-On plugin enables login into your WordPress site using OAuth and OpenID Connect providers like Azure AD B2C, Office 365, Microsoft and other custom.

WordPress Login with Azure (Azure SSO) plugin allows you Login(Single Sign-On) to your WordPress site using your Azure(Azure AD / Azure B2C / Office 365 ) account credentials. This plugin uses OAuth/OpenID Connect protocol to achieve Single Sign-on.This plugin also provides SSO with custom applications as well.

Single Sign-On(SSO)

In simple term, Single Sign-On(SSO) means login into 1 site / application using the credentials of another app/site.
Example. If you have all your Users/Customers/Members/Employees stored on 1 site(ex. msn, wordpress, etc.), lets say site A and you want all of them to register/login into your WordPress site say site B. In this scenario, you can register/login all your users of site A into Site B using the login credentials/account of Site A. This is call Single Sign-On or SSO.


This Azure SSO plugin allows all Azure users (Active Directory Users, B2C Users,and external users) to login into WordPress with their existing Microsoft Azure account and also create a user account into WordPress. Some of the Azure Single Sign-On use-cases are listed below.
* Single Sign-On to WordPress using Azure AD users (Azure AD SSO)
* Single Sign-On to WordPress using Azure B2C users (Azure B2C SSO)
* Single Sign-On to WordPress using external users synced to Azure AD (Azure AD SSO)
* Single Sign-On to WordPress using Office 365 users (Office 365 SSO)


  • WordPress Login with Azure (Azure SSO) supports Single Sign-On(SSO) with Azure AD / Azure B2C / Office 365.
  • WordPress Login with custom Applications.
  • Auto Create Users : After SSO, new user automatically gets created in WordPress
  • Account Linking : After user SSO to WordPress, if user already exists in WordPress, then his profile gets updated or it will create a new WordPress User
  • Attribute Mapping : Login with Azure supports Attribute Mapping feature to map WordPress user profile attribute.
  • Login Widget : Use Widgets to easily integrate the login link with your WordPress site
  • Redirect URL after Login : OAuth Login Automatically Redirects user after successful login.

No SSL restriction

  • Login to WordPress (WordPress SSO) using Azure without having an SSL or HTTPS enabled site.

Add-Ons Supported

  • Page Restriction Add-On
  • Buddypress Attribute Mapping Add-On
  • LearnDash Attribute Integration Add-On
  • Media Restriction Add-On
  • Attribute based Redirection
  • SCIM-User Provisioning
  • SSO Session Management
  • SSO Login Audit

Real Time User Provisioning using SCIM

Provides use-provisioning from your IDP to your WordPress using SCIM standard. You can refer our WordPress User Provisioning using SCIM plugin.


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for azure. Find and Install Login with Azure or ‘Azure SSO’ plugin by miniOrange
  3. Activate the plugin

From WordPress.org

  1. Download WordPress Login with Azure (Azure SSO).
  2. Unzip and upload the Login with Azure directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate Login with Azure from your Plugins page.

Once Activated

  1. Go to Settings-> Login with Azure -> Configure OAuth, and follow the instructions
  2. Go to Appearance->Widgets ,in available widgets you will find Login with Azure widget, drag it to chosen widget area where you want it to appear.
  3. Now visit your site and you will see login with widget.


I need to customize the plugin or I need support and help?

Please email us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com or Contact us. You can also submit your query from plugin’s configuration page.

I need integration of this plugin with my other installed plugins like BuddyPress, etc.?

We will help you in integrating this plugin with your other installed plugins. Please email us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com or Contact us. You can also submit your query from plugin’s configuration page.

For any other query/problem/request


Please email us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com or Contact us. You can also submit your query from plugin’s configuration page.


Contributors & Developers

“Login with Azure (Azure SSO)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


= 1.4.2
* WordPress 5.6 compatible


  • UI Updates


  • Configuration Automation
  • Added option for Custom Applications SSO


  • UI Updates


  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5


  • UI updates
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2

Azure B2c Single Sign On Configuration


  • Added improvements in Attribute Mapping Feature
  • Added Copy Redirect/Callback URL features and improvements in existing functionalities
  • Added some UI changes


Single Sign-on Configuration B2c

  • Added separate Azure SSO Apps for Azure AD and Azure B2C and end to end SSO Setup guides
  • Updated Licensing Plans
  • Minor bugfixes & UI changes


Azure B2c Single Sign-on Configuration

  • First version for Login with Azure.